An apostille is a certificate that authenticates the origin of personal, educational or business documents. Apostille can only be issued for documents issued in one country party to the Apostille convention and which are to be used in a foreign country which is also a party to the convention. Essentially, Apostille is an global attestation that is suitable in about 112 countries, and most of the western world recognizes Apostille.
India is a signatory to the Apostille convention; and has designated the equal authorities for authentication of documents for Attestation as well as for Apostille.
Only unique documents duly authenticated by the designated authorities of the state Governments / Sub-Divisional magistrate are Apostilled with the aid of the Ministry of external Affairs. Apostille is accomplished at the reverse aspect of the original document. The applicants need to submit the following documents/fees
- Original document to be attested or apostilled
- One clear photocopy of the document
- One clear photocopy of the passport
Speed Attestation is best Service Provider and Expert in Handling of Apostille Attestation stamp the seals and signatures from MEA Apostille. We are giving our best Apostille services in Bangalore to our Customers of officials on public documents like Apostille Services, birth certificate apostille, marriage certificate apostille, degree certificate apostille, PCC apostille, single certificate apostille, Transcript apostille, mark-sheet apostille, commercial documents apostille, affidavit apostille, Divorce certificate apostille, or the other document issued by a public authority so they'll be recognized in foreign countries that are members of The Hague Convention.
Educational Certificate Apostille in Bangalore
Educational certificate Apostille Services is a necessary process asked by Hague Convention member countries to find the genuineness of an educational document. Document Apostille attestation on educational document Apostille is required mostly in who going to abroad to get visas for Employment, Study, Residency permit, Settle, skills, abilities, talent and knowledge of the migrant workers, Degree certificate MEA Apostille will done by the MEA Ministry of External Affairs and they confirm the document with the Apostille stamp, it will attach on the backside of the document. degree certificate Apostille has to be done. Then only the certificate can be utilized internationally and use legally in that country. Degree certificate Apostille increases the accessibility of your documents in the destination country.
We undertake Apostille attestation for all these below mentioned educational certificates.
- Degree Certificate Apostille Services
- Diploma Certificate Apostille Services
- Engineering Certificate Apostille Services
- Nursing Certificate Apostille Services
- PG Certificate Apostille Services
- BE Certificate Apostille Services
- SSLC Certificate Apostille Services
- Transcript Apostille Services
- Marksheet Apostille Services
- HSC Certificate Apostille Services
- MBBS Certificate Apostille Services
- Pharmacy Certificate Apostille Services
- MD Certificate Apostille Services
- Renewal Certificate Apostille Services
- Dentists Certificate, etc.
Important documents required for Degree certificate Apostille Services:
- Original birth certificate
- Passport copy
Marriage Certificate Apostille in Bangalore
Marriage certificate Apostille is the process of verifying marriage certificate for it to be used for international matters. It is generally needed to prove to the other countries that you are legally married. apostille attestation It is helpful in getting a family residence
visa or sponsorship for the spouse. The issuing authorities need the specified documents for further processing. The authentication of this certification can be issued by a country where the marriage was held. MEA will verify your marriage certificate and put MEA Apostille Sticker on your original marriage back side and this Marriage Apostille Services use internationally several countries in Hague convention. Apostille Marriage Certificate in Bangalore can be acquired with the help of services that help in the procedure of Marriage Certificate apostille.
Marriage Certificate Apostille is required for the following purposes:
- To bring spouse.
- To work in another country.
- Adding spouse name in the passport.
- To get the responsibility for property.
- To apply for visa for kids.
- To admit wife for delivery in the hospital.
- To apply for passport for children.
Important documents required for Marriage certificate Apostille Services:
- Original birth certificate
- Passport copy
Birth Certificate Apostille in Bangalore
Birth Certificate Apostille is Mandatory who are taking Childrens for abroad to get visa, Birth Certificate Apotille authenticates the document and declare it a genuine copy that can be furnished while applying for a visa. A birth Certificate Apostille is classified as a Personal Document that needs an Apostille stamp for different purposes. Getting a Birth Certificate Apostille is necessary if the applicant wants to apply for independent visa, study visa, Work visa, Also, if the applicant intends to apply for a scholarship to study in a foreign country- signatory to the Hague Convention, then also apostille services are required. Apostille will include the authenticity of the document and make it reasonable to submit before the concerned Hague convention country. So as to finish your birth certificate Apostille, you will need to present the original birth certificate in the concerned division. Your testament will be validated simply after the submission of required records.
Important documents required for Marriage certificate Apostille Services:
- Original birth certificate
- Passport copy
The Apostille certificate should embody the knowledge that is given below:
- Issuing authority
- Stamp of issue authority
- Issue country
- Place of issue
- Apostille certificate range
- Name of Authorised signatory
- Signed of Authorised signatory
- Date of issue
- Detail of seal on document

Apostille/Authentication can be performed on any document, whether personal, educational, or commercial.
- Educational certificate apostille in india
- UG degree certificate apostille in India
- PG degree certificate apostille in India
- Diploma degree certificate apostille in India
- PhD degree certificate apostille in India
- Engineering degree certificate apostille in India
- Medical degree certificate apostille in India
- Management degree certificate apostille in India
- Hotel management certificate apostille in India
- Law degree certificate apostille in India
- Technical degree certificate apostille in India
- Professional degree certificate apostille in India
- Birth Certificate apostille in India
- Salary Certificate apostille in India
- Transfer Certificate (TC) apostille in India
- Equivalence apostille in India
- Death Certificate apostille in India
- Divorce Certificate apostille in India
- Experience/ Employment Certificate apostille in India
- Marriage Certificate apostille in India
- Medical Certificate apostille in India
- Single Status Certificate apostille in India
- Ministry of education department apostille in India
- Ministry of health department apostille in India
- Ministry of Justice apostille in India
- Chamber of commerce apostille in India
- Labor department apostille in India
List of Accepted Apostille countries
Albania | Andorra | Argentina | Armenia |
Australia | Austria | Azerbaijan | Belarus |
Belgium | Bosnia and Herzegovina | Brazil | Bulgaria |
Burkina Faso | Canada | Chile | China |
Costa Rica | Croatia | Cyprus | Czech Republic |
Denmark | Ecuador | Egypt | Estonia |
European Union | Finland | France | Georgia |
Germany | Greece | Hungary | Iceland |
India | Ireland | Israel | Italy |
Japan | Jordan | Korea | Latvia |
Lithuania | Luxembourg | Malaysia | Malta |
Mauritius | Mexico | Monaco | Montenegro |
Morocco | Netherlands | New Zealand | Norway |
Oman | Panama | Paraguay | Peru Philippines |
Poland | Portugal | Romania | Russian |
Serbia | Singapore | Slovakia | Slovenia |
South Africa | Spain | Sri Lanka | Suriname |
Sweden | Switzerland | Macedonia | Tunisia |
Turkey | Ukraine | United Kingdom | Britain |
Northern | Ireland | United States of America | Uruguay |
Venezuela | Viet Nam | Zambia |